
Manchester Postcolonial Reading Group: Autumn 2015

Reading group diary, autumn 2015 Theme: Gender 1) Tuesday, 22 September, 12.00-13.00, Seminar Room 2, Graduate School (Ellen Wilkinson) Anne McClintock, Imperial Leather: Gender, Race and Sexuality in the Colonial Contest(Routledge, 1995): Chapter 6 (pp. 232-257) & Chapter 10 (pp. 352-389) 2) Tuesday, 20 October, 12.00-13.00, Seminar Room 2, Graduate School (Ellen Wilkinson) Christine Delphy, Separate and Dominate: Feminism and Racism After the War on Terror, trans. by David Broder (Verso, 2015) 3) Tuesday, 17 November, 12.00-13.00, Seminar Room 2, Graduate School (Ellen Wilkinson) Vron Ware, Beyond the Pale: White Women, Racism, and History (Verso, ... Read more

CFP – Visionary Texts, Past and Present: (Re)visionings and (Re)imaginings

CALL FOR PAPERS [EXTENDED DEADLINE] Pivot: A Journal of Interdisciplinary Studies and Thought Visionary Texts, Past and Present: (Re)visionings and (Re)imaginings “The visionary starts with a clean sheet of paper, and reimagines the world.” — Malcolm Gladwell “It’s a very salutary thing to realize that the rather dull universe in which most of us spend most of our time is not the only universe there is.” — Aldous Huxley Philosophers, poets, and artists in every era have revisioned and reimagined the world in ways that have inspired  ... Read more

Spring/Summer 2015 Newsletter

The Spring/Summer 2015 issue of the PSA Newsletter #15 - Spring 2015 is now available to download. The theme for this issue is 'Postcolonialism and/or Feminism' and contains a range of articles, interviews and book reviews related to the topic, as well as reports on recent Postcolonial events and other PSA news. The full version is available only to paid-up members. Remember to log-in in order to access the full issue. Read more

Postcolonial Studies Association 2015 Convention

7 to 9 September: University of Leicester and College Court The Postcolonial Studies Association (UK) is having its first ever convention. Please join other delegates to share and discuss the most recent developments in postcolonial studies, under the special topic of Diasporas The full programme is available here. Confirmed keynote speakers Professor Paul Gilroy (King’s College London) Professor John McLeod (University of Leeds) Dr Gayatri Gopinath (New York University) Special topic: Diasporas Movement —be it of culture, capital or the human movement involved in colonialism, slavery, indentured labour, or postcolonial migration to former colonial ... Read more

Change, Resistance, and Collective Action in Southern Italy: A Multidisciplinary Symposium

Change, Resistance, and Collective Action in Southern Italy A Multidisciplinary Symposium 4 September, 2015 University of Kent Darwin College - Peter Brown Room This symposium reopens the debate on the Italian ‘Southern Question’ through a variety of multidisciplinary perspectives. Challenging conventional narratives of the retrograde South in opposition to the ‘civic’ North (Schneider, 1992), this symposium is the first to foreground the Mezzogiorno as an important arena for defining processes of cultural signification both at the national and transnational level. This approach sheds new light on the ... Read more

UDI 50th Anniversary Postgraduate Workshop

UDI 50th Anniversary Postgraduate Workshop November 4, 2015 10-4pm at the University of Bristol with keynote speaker Sue Onslow   Fifty years ago, on 11 November 1965, the Rhodesia Front Party issued a unilateral declaration of independence (UDI) from Britain. Only in 1981, after a prolonged, radical national struggle, attempted economic isolation, international hostility and brutal civil war did internationally-recognised independence come, under black majority rule. The importance of Zimbabwe’s colonial past is still contentious on the local, regional and international stage, ... Read more

2015 PSA Convention-Programme

The PSA Convention will be taking place at the University of Leicester in just 2 months (7-9 September 2015), so we hope you are looking forward to what promises to be this year’s biggest postcolonial event in the UK. Please read on for the PSA 2015 Convention Programme . We look forward to seeing you in Leicester! Read more

Dalit Literature and / in Translation

An international conference at the British Centre for Literary Translation, University of East Anglia, Norwich, UK 29-30 June 2015 Registration is now open for the conference on Dalit literature and translation to be held on 29 and 30 June 2015 at the University of East Anglia, Norwich, UK. This conference is the fourth event hosted by the AHRC-funded Research Network ‘Writing, Analysing, Translating Dalit Literature’, which promotes a multi-disciplinary dialogue on Indian literature produced by Dalits (formerly known as Untouchables). This conference in ... Read more

PSA Conference 2013 Details

We are delighted to announce that the Third Biennial Postcolonial Studies Association Conference will be held at Kingston University on the 12th and 13th September 2013: History, Postcolonialism and Tradition Third Biennial Conference of the Postcolonial Studies Association Kingston University, 12-13 September 2013 For more information, visit the PSA Events Page   Read more

2013 postgraduate essay prize

The Postcolonial Studies Association and the Journal of Postcolonial Writing are delighted to announce details of the 2013 postgraduate essay prize. Read more
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