
CfP: The Interface between British Contemporary Black and Jewish Cultures

The Interface between British Contemporary Black and Jewish Cultures  Friday 4 November 2016 University of Reading, UK   Over the past three decades, a considerable body of work has emerged on the interface between Black and Jewish cultures in the United States. In contrast, there has been very little scholarship on Black-Jewish cultural relations in the context of the United Kingdom. To a certain extent, this disparity can be explained by the very different histories of Jewish and Black populations on either side of the ... Read more

CfP: Postcolonial Interventions Vol. II, Issue 1

Call for Papers Postcolonial Interventions: An Interdisciplinary Journal of Postcolonial Studies Vol. II, Issue 1 (January 2017)   A few years ago, Stephen Greenblatt had noted, “In the latter half of the twentieth century many in the social sciences and humanities gleefully proclaimed the demise of a set of traditional assumptions about cultural identity. Notions of wholeness, teleological development, evolutionary progress, and ethnic authenticity were said to have been dismantled forever. A few lamented their passing, but most scholars energetically grappled with brave new theories of ... Read more

CfP: Inhabiting the voids of History-A conference on Caryl Phillips

Inhabiting the voids of History A conference on Caryl Phillips May 23-24 2017 University of Caen, Normandy (ERIBIA) Call for Papers This two-day conference on the work of Caryl Phillips will be held in the presence of the author. Often labelled a neo-slave narrative, Crossing the River is emblematic of an interest in slave history and slave narratives which has manifested itself in recent decades. As such it invites a reflexion on the nature and workings of collective memory, and in particular the socio-historical workings of memory ... Read more

CfP: Postcolonial Italy: between Assimilation and Integration Symposium

Postcolonial Italy: between Assimilation and Integration Symposium Adelaide, 23 November 2016 Flinders University and the Australasian Centre for Italian Studies (ACIS) will host a one-day symposium, Postcolonial Italy: between Assimilation and Integration, convened by Luciana d’Arcangeli and Laura Lori, in Adelaide on Wednesday, 23 November 2016 at Flinders in the City, 182 Victoria Square, Adelaide, South Australia. The keynote speaker will be Kaha Mohamed Aden. Her documentary, La quarta via, will be screened free and open to the community at 6.30pm. The conveners are ... Read more

Postcolonial Studies Association Funding Schemes 2016-2017

Postcolonial Studies Association Funding Schemes We are delighted to be able to announce this year’s funding schemes. There are three schemes under which applications for funding can be made: 1. Conference / Symposium Organisation Assistance Fund 2016-2017 The Postcolonial Studies Association (PSA) welcomes applications for up to £250 to assist with costs towards the staging of an academic conference or symposium in an area of postcolonial studies. For the 2016-2017 funding competition, the event should be held between 1 December 2016 and 30 November ... Read more

CfP: Writing South Africa Now: a Colloquium, 16th-17th June, 2016

    Writing South Africa Now: a Colloquium, 16th-17th June, 2016 Call for Papers: Writing the South African City EXTENDED DEADLINE: 19th March, 2016 Hosted by LSE Cities, London School of Economics, in collaboration with the Faculty of English, University of Cambridge In 2013, it was reported that more than two-thirds of South Africa’s citizens now live in the country’s sprawling urban areas. The Gauteng region alone saw its population swell to some 12 million, an increase of more than 30% in 10 years and more than ... Read more

The Winter 2015-16 issue of the PSA Newsletter is now available

The Winter 2015-16 issue of the PSA Newsletter is now available to download. This issue focuses on the recent PSA Convention on the topic of 'Diasporas', which took place at the University of Leicester in September. Highlights include an interview with keynote speaker John McLeod, paper and panel reports and reviews of recent books that tie in with the convention theme. Preview available here (click on read more).  Log in to your member's account to view the full newsletter (paid members only).   Read more

CfP: “Race” and the Academy since 1800

“Race” and the Academy since 1800   On Wednesday 23rd November 2016, the second Callaloo Graduate and Early Career Researcher workshop will take place at The Oxford Research Centre in the Humanities (TORCH). The colloquium precedes the annual Callaloo conference that will begin that evening and end on Saturday 26th November. The theme for the workshop is ‘“Race” and the Academy since 1800’. We welcome papers from graduate and early career researchers in any field; topics to be covered may include, but are not ... Read more

CfP: All that glitters is not gold: Critiques of Globalization in New Zealand and the Pacific

All that glitters is not gold: Critiques of Globalization in New Zealand and the Pacific   8-9 July, 2016, London (venue to be confirmed in early March) Extended Deadline for Abstracts, 15 April 2015 With the 2008 Financial Crisis and austerity, protest over the Trans-Pacific Partnership, the refugee crisis in Europe and the spotlight on Australia's inhuman treatment of asylum seekers, the rise of ISIS, the concerted turn to nationalism in the EU, scholarship and public discourse around globalization is increasingly turning away from celebration ... Read more

CfP: ‘Postcolonial Education: Teaching, Learning and Schooling in and after Empire’

The Fourth Biannual Northern Postcolonial Network Symposium ‘Postcolonial Education: Teaching, Learning and Schooling in and after Empire’ University of Leeds and Leeds Beckett University, June 17th 2016, in association with the Institute for Colonial and Postcolonial Studies and the Centre for Culture and the Arts. Co-organised by Dr Matthew Whittle, Dr Rachel Bower, Dr Jonathan Saha and Dr Emily Zobel Marshall with NPN FREE Attendance Call for Papers: Postgraduate and Early Career Researcher Roundtable The Fourth Biannual Northern Postcolonial Network Symposium will concentrate on the topic of ‘Postcolonial ... Read more
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