CfP: Trauma as cultural palimpsests: (post)communism against the background of comparative modernities, totalitarianisms, and (post)coloniality, Wroclaw University, 2-3 June 2016

 Trauma as cultural palimpsests: (post)communism against the background of comparative modernities, totalitarianisms, and (post)coloniality, Wroclaw University, 2-3 June 2016

Research Center for Postcolonial and Posttotalitarian Studies, Wrocław University, Call for Papers:

The conference aims to investigate the multiple forms of totalitarian trauma and of the (post-)traumatic transition period in the region. The assessment of the totalitarian pasts has been the object of divisive and partial political debates, themselves, at times, no more than post-traumatic symptoms at the discursive level. The conference aims to investigate the seriality of trauma in the recent history of CEE (from ghettos to gulags to globalization, from Holocaust to communist and postcommunist mass killings, from concentration camps to immigration camps etc.), as well as the palimpsestic interplay between the different historical and experiential layers of cultural distress.

Detailed information and CfP available here


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