An international conference at the British Centre for Literary Translation, University of East Anglia, Norwich, UK
29-30 June 2015
Registration is now open for the conference on Dalit literature and translation to be held on 29 and 30 June 2015 at the University of East Anglia, Norwich, UK. This conference is the fourth event hosted by the AHRC-funded Research Network ‘Writing, Analysing, Translating Dalit Literature’, which promotes a multi-disciplinary dialogue on Indian literature produced by Dalits (formerly known as Untouchables). This conference in the UK is a unique opportunity to meet so many renowned Dalit writers such as Bama, Sharankumar Limbale and Urmila Pawar and leading translators in the field of Dalit writing.
In order to register and for a list of abstracts, please visit:
BAMA (writer)
Dalit Literature in Translation
Sharankumar LIMBALE (Y.C.M. Open University, Solapur) In Conversation with Alok Mukherjee and Arun P. Mukherjee
Maya PANDIT (EFL-U, Hyderabad)
Translating Dalit Literature: Redrawing the Map of Cultural Politics
Urmila PAWAR (writer)
A Walk to Remember
Joshil K. ABRAHAM (G B Pant Engineering College, IP University) Caste in / and Subtitles
Payal AGARWAL (Delhi University)
Translation as Action: Cast(e)ing the Long Shadow of Anger
Laura BRUECK (Northwestern University)
A question of language? The politics of translating Dalit literature for a new Indian audience
Mudnakudu CHINNASWAMY (writer)
Translation of Dalit literature
Kalyan DAS (Presidency University, Kolkata) (Im)possibility of Translating Identities: Translator, Dalit litterateur and the ‘Truth’ of Dalit Experience
Asis DE (Mahishadal Raj College (Govt. Sponsored), West Bengal) Dr. Joyjit GHOSH (Vidyasagar University, West Bengal) Problems and Prospects of Translating Bangla Dalit Poetry in English: A Personal Experience
Mohan DHARAVATH (EFL-U, Hyderabad)
Translating the Lambada: Orality, Performance and Experience
Rowena HILL (independent scholar and translator) Translating Mudnakudu Chinnaswamy, Dalit Poet in Kannada
Stephanie KREINER (Heinrich Heine University Duesseldorf, Germany) The Mystery of the German Silver Kettle: Translating Harish Mangalam’s Short Stories into German
Parmod KUMAR (Indira Gandhi National Open University, New Delhi) Translation and issues of Representation: A case of Dalit women autobiographers
Christi MERRILL (University of Michigan) Transnational Pariah Talk: the dynamic circulation of an evolving Dalit lexicon
Sai Chandra MOULI (Osmania University, Hyderabad) Translating Dalit Literary works: An Experience
Alok MUKHERJEE (independent scholar and translator) Translating Ramnath Chavan’s Shakshipuram, a Thought Play and Dalit Aesthetics
Arun MUKHERJEE (York University, Toronto) Traduttore Tradittore: Translating Dalit Writing Responsibly
Sipra MUKHERJEE (West Bengal State University) The Translator as the Betrayer: the Political Dynamics of the Process of Translation
Julia PERCZEL (School of Oriental and African Studies) The Role of Translation in Mainstreaming Dalit Literature
Mamta G. SAGAR (Bangalore University)
Poetics and Politics of Representations
Jaydeep SARANGI (Chandra Chaudhuri College, Calcutta University) Translation as Commitment with a Purpose: A close Study of Translation Project Involving Bengali Dalit Autobiography into English
Shoma SEN (RTM Nagpur University, Nagpur) The Choice of Writing in English: Short Stories of B. Rangrao and Narendra Jadhav’s Outcaste
Shobha Padmakar SHINDE (North Maharashtra University, Jalgaon) Marathi Dalit Autobiography in English: A Perilous Journey of Cultural Transfer and Meaning
Navnath B SONWANE (Central University of Gujarat, Gandhinagar) The Translation into English: Elaborate life’s experiences in Dalit Autobiographies to Ambedkarist, A word with you, world and The Scar.
In order to find out more about the network’s current and previous initiatives and to download the conference poster, please follow this link:
AHRC-funded Research Network Series, 2014-16:
Principal Investigator Dr Nicole Thiara, Centre for Postcolonial Studies at Nottingham Trent University, UK; Co-Investigator Dr Judith Misrahi-Barak, EMMA, Université Paul-Valéry Montpellier, France;
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