The Postcolonial Studies Association and Journal of Postcolonial Writing Annual Postgraduate Essay Prize

he Postcolonial Studies Association and the Journal of Postcolonial Writing are pleased to announce that entries for the 2010 Postgraduate Essay Prize are now open. The competition is open to any student registered for a postgraduate degree at any institution in the world on the closing date for submission (31 March 2010). Essays must be no more than 7500 words long, must be presented in accordance in a recognised academic format (preferably corresponding to the style guidelines of the MLA or MHRA) and may be on any topic related to postcolonial studies. Only one submission per person is permissible. All submissions must be made electronically and must include two separate attachments: a completed application form, and the essay itself. The author’s identity must not be identifiable from the essay in any way (candidates must ensure that electronic tags such as those generated by MS Word are removed) . Essays or parts of essays that have been published in any form previously are not eligible. Incomplete submissions and submissions which do meet the above criteria will not be considered.

A prize of £250 will be awarded to the winner, and the winning essay will, subject to editorial approval, be published in the Journal of Postcolonial Writing.

Please submit all entries to  by 31 March 2010.

All essays will be evaluated anonymously by a panel of academics selected by the PSA Executive and the Journal of Postcolonial Writing. The judges’ decision is final, and no correspondence will be entered into.



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